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Dongguan Longhui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Contact: Manager Liu

Phone: 86-769-82767062

Fax: 86-769-82760396

Mobile: 13642969985

QQ: 214469349

WeChat: LH1665889

E-mail: Longhui_tech@163.com

Zip code: 523826

Address: No. 1, Dongyi Road, Xinwei Industrial Zone, Houjie Town, Dongguan

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Extrusion technology of profile radiator profile
Aluminum alloy is widely used in radiator materials because of its light weight, beautiful appearance, good thermal cond......
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Type of heat dissipation material of profile radiator
The material of the heat sink in the profile radiator refers to the specific material used for the heat sink. The therma......
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How to judge the quality of electronic radiator according to the profile
We know that the quality of an electronic radiator mainly depends on the profile selected, so how to judge the quality o......
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Precautions and details when installing the profile radiator
With the continuous development of my country's economic level, the living standards of the people are improving day......
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