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Dongguan Longhui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Contact: Manager Liu

Phone: 86-769-82767062

Fax: 86-769-82760396

Mobile: 13642969985

QQ: 214469349

WeChat: LH1665889

E-mail: Longhui_tech@163.com

Zip code: 523826

Address: No. 1, Dongyi Road, Xinwei Industrial Zone, Houjie Town, Dongguan

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Reasons for leakage of aluminum radiator
The main chemical components of aluminum alloy are Al, Mg, Si and other impurities such as Fe and Cu. The weight ratio o......
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How to choose a profiled heat sink to protect your CPU
Although this function greatly reduces the incidence of CPU failures, if the CPU is allowed to work in a high temperatur......
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Design features and methods of high-power profile radiator die for electronic use
The aluminum alloy extruded profiles used on large-scale radiators are mostly solid, which are characterized by large ci......
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Several common manufacturing materials for electronic profile radiators
Nowadays, the electronic products around us are becoming more and more diverse. When we choose, we will not only compare......
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