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How to judge the quality of electronic radiator according to the profile

release time:2021-03-16 16:10:48  Views: 702

We know that the quality of an electronic radiator mainly depends on the profile selected, so how to judge the quality of an electronic radiator based on the profile?

  For example, electronic profile radiators using cast iron profiles have good corrosion resistance and pressure resistance, but the disadvantage is poor decoration. The advantages of steel radiators can be made in various shapes at will, and the decoration is better, but the corrosion resistance is difficult to meet the domestic heat medium water quality, and the thermal efficiency is not as good as other radiators. Although the steel-aluminum composite radiator uses the amplifying function of the aluminum fin to conduct heat, the built-in does not change its shortcomings.

Both the radiator made of a single stainless steel electronic radiator and the steel radiator have the ability to produce all kinds of different shapes of radiators, but the heat transfer performance of stainless steel is not as good as the steel radiator, which is the lowest thermal conductivity of all radiators of different materials Moreover, the welding process is difficult. The use of high-temperature welding destroys its physical properties, but the corrosion resistance is poor, the low-temperature welding product cost is high, and the strength is difficult to guarantee.

Although the radiator made of copper-aluminum composite electronic radiator is not like the radiator made of different shapes of steel and stainless steel, it has the unique performance of the radiator, high thermal efficiency, strong corrosion resistance, good durability, energy saving and environmental protection during use. , Light weight, good decoration, and pressure-bearing can meet domestic heating pressure.

   Basically all current electronic heat sinks are made of the above materials. Through the above introduction, everyone should have understood how to judge the quality of electronic radiators based on the profile. I hope to help you.