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Dongguan Longhui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact: Manager Liu
Phone: 86-769-82767062
Fax: 86-769-82760396
Mobile: 13642969985
QQ: 214469349
WeChat: LH1665889
Zip code: 523826
Address: No. 1, Dongyi Road, Xinwei Industrial Zone, Houjie Town, Dongguan
The material of the heat sink in the profile radiator refers to the specific material used for the heat sink. The thermal conductivity of each material is different. They are arranged from high to low in terms of thermal conductivity. They are silver, copper, aluminum, and steel. However, it would be too expensive to use silver as a heat sink, so the best solution is to use copper. Although aluminum is much cheaper, it is obviously not as good as copper in thermal conductivity (only about 50% of copper).
The commonly used heat sink materials are copper and aluminum alloy, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages. Copper has good thermal conductivity, but it is more expensive, difficult to process, too heavy (many pure copper radiators exceed the weight limit of the CPU), small heat capacity, and easy to oxidize. The pure aluminum is too soft to be used directly. The aluminum alloy used can provide sufficient hardness. The advantages of aluminum alloy are low price and light weight, but the thermal conductivity is much worse than that of copper. Some radiators take their own strengths and embed a copper plate on the base of the aluminum alloy radiator.